自SYMPLICITY HTN-3试验结果于今年年初公布之后,对于肾脏去神经术(RDN)的讨论在学术界不绝于耳。该结果也在ACC 2014年会上正式公布,哗然之情仍溢于言表。另外,SYMPLICITY全球注册研究结果也于ACC年会公布,该研究是由德国萨尔州大学医院Michael B?hm博士主持。在2014世界心脏病学大会(WCC)上,B?hm博士于5月5日上午发表了“RDN在心力衰竭(心衰)治疗中的新兴角色”讲题,关于这一话题,我们有幸采访到了B?hm博士。
<International Circulation>: You have just made a presentation on the potential usage of RDN (renal sympathetic denervation) in the treatment of heart failure. Can you give us a brief summary of the mechanism of RDN for heart failure?
Dr. Bohm: Heart failure is associated with sympathetic activation and beyond the activity of the sympathetic nervous system (which can be judged by circulating norepinephrine concentrations), it is known that norepinephrine released from the kidney is more important and more associated with death rates from heart failure. So it is an easy way to directly reduce that by renal denervation and that has been shown by several investigators.
<International Circulation>: What are the potential benefits of RDN in heart failure?
Dr. Bohm: In heart failure populations, the procedure causes a reduction in sympathetic activity. We still need trials, but we have good evidence to believe that renal denervation will reduce hypertrophy which is also related to poor outcomes. It reduces blood pressure if it is high and it reduces heart rate which is another important mechanism for outcomes in heart failure. Also it is preventative for arrhythmia. There is data that it might reduce the prevalence and incidence of atrial fibrillation and furthermore, there are patients reported from Germany and also the United States where renal denervation was able to block electrical storms which is a life-threatening complication in heart failure.
<International Circulation>: Which types of heart failure patients will benefit most from RDN therapy?
Dr. Bohm: There are small trials ongoing and in the majority of these trials, it is heart failure with reduced ejection fraction. There is one trial in the Netherlands that is working on heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (diastolic heart failure).
<International Circulation>: Can you talk about the current states of this research?
Dr. Bohm: It has not been published yet so is still under embargo so we have to wait until that is finished. There is one previous report on exercise tolerance in patients with heart failure and the walking distance on a six-minute walking test was markedly improved which is reassuring that the procedure is effective. Also there was no significant drop in blood pressure, which indicates that it might be safe as well.
<International Circulation>: Why do you think there is no significant blood pressure drop in these heart failure patients?
Dr. Bohm: The procedure only reduces blood pressure when blood pressure is high. When blood pressure is lower, there is no significant change in blood pressure. This has also been investigated in the SYMPLICITY HTN-3 registry with 10000 patients which was just presented at the ACC. Patients with low blood pressure have low response and patients with high blood pressure have a big response.
Bohm教授:RDN仅降低血压增高患者的血压。当血压较低时,RDN对血压没有明显改变。这也在今年召开的ACC上公布的SYMPLICITY HTN-3试验所纳入的10000例患者中证实。血压较低的患者对RDN的反应性低,而血压高者反应明显。
<International Circulation>: What do we need to do now to learn more about the usefulness of RDN in heart failure patients?
Dr. Bohm: We need the trials and the studies and hopefully industry will sponsor those trials in heart failure and hypertension. We have a trial ongoing with sham procedure. We need to achieve effective denervation and good proctoring. It cannot be done in beginner centers but in centers with a lot of experience.
<International Circulation>: Do those trials need to be large?
Dr. Bohm: It should first start with small trials where we will look at exercise tolerance and biomarkers, which is what is ongoing. At the end of the day, to recommend RDN for the general population of patients, there should be an outcomes trial.